Aloha Starseeds, Superheroes and Magical Friends! I have just wrapped up the really fun edit all about the royal fixed stars of the cosmos and how they relate to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You can get the video version with some of the visuals included below:
The presentation on the royal fixed stars is actually a follow up to a presentation I did approximately a year ago. Now to be clear, while there are 22 fixed stars of interest and 15 Behenian fixed stars, we focused on four fixed royal stars - which also line up somewhat to the fixed signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius.
The four royal stars of the zodiac wheel also make a cross. An important thing to note here is the idea of polarity and opposing forces being two sides of the same coin. Something to also point out that in a superhero team, such as the Ninja turtles, that having a balance of opposing personalities and strengths is a good thing.
The Ninja turtles were actually created in the mid-80s (just like me) and were born from the scribbles on a dining room table. Two friends thought it would be really funny to have slow turtles also be super nimble ninjas; the balance of those two opposing forces managed to really work!
Are you a fixed sign? If not, no worries, as I am working on an alchemy and astrology conversation where we are going to do a deer dive on the modalities of astrology - namely cardinal, fixed and mutable signs. And if you are interested in my past video about the royal stars, you can see that here:
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