Hello my Starseed friends! Welcome to the latest episode of the Neurolinguistic Astrology Salon. Today’s presentation features a chart reading of the everlasting now from past Monday moon day; as we are now experiencing a FULL MOON in Leo. The topic behind the talk was about the chakra system of the body and how this lines up with the planetary rulers in astrology. Everything, after all, is connected.
The word ‘chakra’ is Sanskrit for ‘spinning wheel’. You can imagine the chakras as energy centres in your body, or even ley lines of your body as they line up with the earth herself.
They are located in the astral body, along the spine, starting at its base and running upwards to the crown of the head. The astral body is the energy body residing inside our physical body. Each physical body part has a corresponding astral body part. The astral body cannot be seen or touched. This is also a reason why we cannot see the chakras.
The chakras radiate a specific color and energy. Each one coincides with a gland in the physical body. Since each chakra relates to specific spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical aspects of our being, it is believed that their blockage or malfunction can lead to physical, psychological, and emotional disorders. The conscious awareness and balancing of these energy centers, on the other hand, is believed to lead to well-being and good health.
From an astrological perspective, inner standing what planetary energies are associated with the chakras may help bring alignment and activation in your 3D body too! There is that concept of the heart chakra also being the one through which all other chakras may open.
That being said, I love to quote Alan Watts here:
We should not confuse signs, with the real thing.
A person who thinks all the time
Has nothing to think about except thoughts
So, he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions
By thoughts I mean specifically, chatter in the skull
Perpetual and compulsive repetition of words,
of reckoning and calculating
I'm not saying that thinking is bad Like everything else, it's useful in moderation
A good servant, but a bad master
And all so-called civilized peoples
Have increasingly become crazy and self-destructive
Because through excessive thinking they have lost touch with reality
That's to say
We confuse signs
With the real world
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